
CMU正在改变人们对高等教育的看法, 导致新生入学人数增加了惊人的35%

pp电子极速糖果(pp电子极速糖果)为学生提供真正多元化的教育, demonstrating a college degree is more than a piece of paper — at CMU it’s an opportunity for a better life.

因此,CMU在8月19日迎来了校史上最大的一届新生. 的 新生入学人数增长35% 在科罗拉多州和全国范围内,高等教育都面临着巨大的阻力. 全国的入学率尚未达到大流行前的水平 Z一代 表达了他们对学位价值的担忧. 然而,CMU的情况正好相反,校园社区数量大幅增长.

For CMU President John Marshall, there’s a clear reason for the university’s success: that CMU is a 人文尺度大学. CMU is a place where everyone is working to make campus, “a model of the world we want to create.这一信息吸引了历史上最不愿接受高等教育的一代人.


In 2022, CMU’s campus community returned to the drawing board to redefine what matters most in higher education and at CMU. 学生, 教职员工一致同意并大胆采纳了爱的基本价值观, 尊严, 勇气, 谦卑, 弹性, 好奇心和力量.

的 result has been an emboldened university culture that has unapologetically advocated for free speech and expression, returned to the fundamental purpose of education — an opportunity for a better life — and has relentlessly pursued a commitment to radical affordability. 

拥有指南针般的核心价值观, 校园一直在努力使运营现代化, 进步招聘策略, taken on a fresh approach to marketing and communications and has introduced new and revamped academic programs to reflect a 人文尺度大学, 在许多其他策略中. 

Evolving and transforming from the inside out was just the beginning — what came after serves as a testament to the entire community’s buy-in.  


接受高等教育的最大障碍之一是负担能力. 正因为如此, 许多学生和家长质疑这笔投资是否物有所值, 导致很多人决定不接受高等教育. 帮助减轻经济负担,鼓励学生继续攻读学位, 科罗拉多州的许多大学都启动了被称为“承诺项目”的援助工作.CMU提供了 卡pp电子极速糖果的承诺, guaranteeing to cover tuition for students living in 22 western 科罗拉多州 counties whose families earn $65,000或以下. 然而, 2023年,CMU引导了权力的价值,并推出了一项让这所大学与众不同的承诺. 

President Marshall based the 卡pp电子极速糖果的承诺 on the university’s mission by offering two additional tenants of the promise — the opportunity for a better life and a commitment to teach students how to think, 不相信什么.  

传播CMU承诺支柱的意识, 马歇尔校长为CMU农村希望之旅出发了. 他参观了科罗拉多州农村地区的高中, 包括Cedaredge, δ, 北叉, 奥拉西, 纽克拉, 纳丘利塔, 鹰谷, 来福尔高中和米克高中来传达这个信息.

立即得到了回应,随后是  学士学位入学人数增加 加菲尔德县17%,蒙特罗斯县27%,德尔塔县68%, demonstrating the powerful impact of a university President taking time to visit and engage with students.

在乡村之旅之后, President Marshall and first-generation CMU student Liban Shongolo took CMU’s unique message to the most urban communities in Aurora and Denver, 科罗拉多州, 也得到了类似的回应. 因此,从学士学位入学 阿拉帕霍县上升了25%.

Recognizing the need to extend CMU’s affordability initiative to all 科罗拉多州 students and families, the CMU Board of Trustees voted unanimously to expand the 卡pp电子极速糖果的承诺 statewide and increase the income level to $70,000.


尽管负担能力是人们最关心的问题, 对于许多潜在的参与者来说,经济援助仍然是获得高等教育的关键. 但对高中生和他们的家庭来说, 联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)可能很难浏览。. 对于第一代学生来说尤其如此, 谁是CMU学生的主要组成部分. 由于联邦政府的财政援助改革,今年尤其具有挑战性, 造成了广泛的延误和沟通混乱.

FAFSA通常在10月份开放,但在今年年初仍被推迟. 的 federal government sent letters alerting students and parents that financial aid offers were still on hold and likely to be unavailable until as late as summer 2024. 默认情况下, many colleges and universities chose to wait by extending their application deadlines or encouraging students and parents to be patient during a time of uncertainty. 

Understanding that financial stress could result in thousands of students opting to skip college, CMU做了一些大胆而创新的事情, 实施“等待已过”倡议. 这一举措创造了CMU自己复制的联邦财政援助计算器. 的 model was designed to make an educated calculation of what future federal offers would be for each student and allowed CMU to send out aid offers sooner than other 科罗拉多州 colleges. 忠于它的爱的价值, 在情人节那天,CMU打开了它的早期援助门户,比FAFSA早了几个月. 当联邦政府最终确定援助计划时, CMU保证维持预估报价, 不管边际是多少. 近乎的 政府发出4000份援助邀请 对于即将入学和在校生,CMU的计算只完成了其中的155人.

数字不言自明, as half of the incoming freshmen who received an early aid offer enrolled at CMU — contributing to the 35%  新生入学人数增加. 的 bold decision made by the Board of Trustees and President Marshall provided a sense of security for students. It’s possible that without CMU’s early aid guarantee, many may not have enrolled in college at all.


在全国各地的学生和家长质疑传统学位价值的时候, many have turned to associate and certificate technical education (CTE) programs as the solution. 被称为“工具带一代” 《pp电子极速糖果》, Gen-Z has opted to pursue the trades because the return on investment is fast and measurable — a fact that reigns especially true at 卡pp电子极速糖果的科技.

的 unique dual mission at CMU combines traditional four-year and advanced degrees with 卡pp电子极速糖果的科技’s CTE programs, 哪些支持区域和国家劳动力需求. This additional focus on associate degrees and technical certifications has been crucial in meeting the demand for technical job skills. 比如CMU,招生在 CMU科技也经历了前所未有的40%的增长, 促使大学领导创建新的班级, hire additional faculty members and utilize MavRides — a student-operated club providing free rides to students — to shuttle the influx of attendees between the two campuses.

通过参加CMU技术, 学生有机会接受实际操作的教育, 负担得起,几乎可以立即产生财务影响. 除了负担得起的学费, 许多雇主也愿意通过学徒计划来消除经济障碍, 可堆叠凭证补偿保证, 以及贷款和学费报销承诺. 

CMU科技的成立使CMU在全国处于领先地位. 卡pp电子极速糖果的科技’s exciting growth is a testament to its high responsiveness to workforce needs and widespread conversations about the value of higher education. 


While colleges and universities around the nation experienced flat or declining enrollment for 2024-2025, CMU新生入学人数增加了35%,创造了令人羡慕的机会. 面对着迎接学校历史上最大的新生班的机会, CMU的工作人员依靠大学的价值观和使命来保持班级规模小而有风度, 扩大餐饮服务, 确保设施得到维护, 技术是有能力的,所有学生的需求都得到满足. 多亏了真正的Maverick精神,校园从第一天起就为Mavily的新成员做好了准备.

  • 卡pp电子极速糖果的招生 举办了新小牛日在热烈的校园归属感介绍下,庆祝新同学的到来. 
  • CMU Dining en勇气d students to share tables and meals with their new Mavily, as well as held the Qdoba盛大开幕这是学生们最喜欢的用餐选择之一.
  • 资讯科技署发出 150台全新折扣笔记本电脑 CMU 567笔记本电脑项目的第一代学生.  
  • 整个夏天都在准备住宿 3000名学生住在校园里.
  • 卡pp电子极速糖果的科技 创建 新增课程51个部分 以适应对贸易日益增长的兴趣.
  • CMU学生服务 变身的 Point一个校园社区和娱乐室, 世外桃源, 过去的街机和游戏空间的爆炸.
  • IRIS (Integrated Resources for Information and Solutions) reshaped their website 成 an accessible resource for self-help solutions available to students needing assistance with financial aid, 计费和注册问题.
  • 阿斯忒瑞亚剧院 向社区和校园敞开了大门, 庆祝科罗拉多西部新的文化中心, 表演艺术和明星.
  • CMU领导最终确定了校园总体规划核算 未来的停车场和校园基础设施 以适应目前的需求和未来的招生增长.


Making the case for higher education requires an unorthodox mindset and the ability to think big. It demands bold strategies and innovative approaches to address the evolving needs of students and society. 幸运的是CMU, 由特立独行精神驱动的pp电子极速糖果对这种行动呼吁并不陌生.

在当前的学术招生环境中, CMU有能力不仅仅为了增长而增长, but to expand the reach and power of education to those who would not normally have the opportunity or the resources to participate. 以其首要价值为指导, 激进的负担能力努力和人文尺度大学的使命CMU致力于让所有人都能获得有意义的教育.

While welcoming the largest freshman class to date is an accomplishment celebrated throughout campus, CMU的成功超越了数字. 它致力于提供负担得起的教育, serving first-generation students and offering the opportunity for a better life is what sets CMU apart from the rest. 

